mail · subscription · unboxing

Lucky Dip Club Box – It’s been a pleasure! 

Every month for the past few years, the Lucky Dip Club box has arrived thru my letter box and made me smile. I do believe that I was one of the very first people to subscribe to the box when it launched. I’ve been a supporter of Leona since the days of Lady Luck Rules OK, when I spent any money I had on kitsch jewellery, glittery heart name necklaces and lucky bags. I own a fantastic black cat teapot thanks to Thriftola. Leona has an amazing ability to know when it’s time for a change and to try something new and with a new family to think about, that time is now for Lucky Dip Club! 

The last monthly box arrived today and it’s very bittersweet. The box is hopefully going to continue as a quarterly subscription but no one could blame Leona if that doesn’t work out. 

The theme is new year and good news which is very appropriate. As usual, we open onto the magazine which is full of interesting articles as usual, including one from Leona herself. 

Onto the goodies – first up we received an illustrated card print from this boxes partner Emily Coxhead. 

I’ve already set up my January bullet journal but I think I’m going to insert this into the journal somewhere. Here’s a look at my Pink A5 leuchtturm1917 squared journal – regular subscribers will recognise some of the stickers! 

The rest of the goodies are very bullet journal friendly as well. We have a folder with monthly cards in, where you can keep a line-a-day diary for the year. I already keep daily gratitude pages for the month in my journal but I’m going to use these in addition to that and perhaps not always as a “gratitude” note. 

We also have a sticker sheet which will be so useful. It’s already in the back of my journal! It’s not all New Year themed which is great. I like stickers to add a wee splash of colour or interest to a page. I’m quite a basic journaller, as I’ll show below so this is useful for me. 

Here’s a quick peek at a page from my journal. I’ve blurred it out but you get the idea. I note my meetings and work Rita’s and whatnot but I also go back and make notes about what happened, especially after events or days out. I’ve also stuck in tickets and business cards or items from places I’ve been. 

Finally we have the pin and a key ring. I’ve made myself a pin board and decorated it with notes and all of the pins and patches from my LDC boxes. I need to decide how to wear them in the future. 

The key ring is a sold metal blue and gold disc with “smile” on the front. It’s super cute tho I was just saying yesterday thag my keys have too much on them so I’ll maybe need to come up with an alternative use for this one! 

So that’s it. That’s all for the final monthly lucky dip club box. I’m definitely going to miss it. Like any other subscription, I didn’t love this every month but the months I was apathetic about were very few – I can only think of 2-3 out of many that I wasn’t thrilled with so that’s an incredibly positive review! In my opinion it’s always been worth the money, it’s been really unique and supports indie designers, encouraging positivity, girl power and crafting as it’s gone. I wish Leona and family all the luck in the future and am excited to see any new endeavours that may appear! 

mail · review · subscription · unboxing

It’s that time again where I test out a subscription box just to see what the deal is because, why not? 

I first saw Spooky Box Club on YouTube with different people unboxing their monthly boxes and my reaction was yes! This is the box for me! It’s handmade, unique items and was right up my street. The first downside is that when you subscribe, it takes 2 months before you actually receive your first box. I signed up in September, the first payment was taken in October and I just received my box last week in December. I guess with the handmade nature it’s kind of understandable but for me the excitement is receiving your first box that month. 

So the packaging didn’t disappoint – it’s purple and spooky with themed confetti and your standard list of items. The theme this month was voodoo – you may not know I have a voodoo doll tattooed on my wrist and I have read up on the misconceptions about “voodoo” and the dolls and it’s something that interests me. 

This is what we see when we open the box – hidden treasures and of course, a voodoo doll. 

Every box comes with a lollipop but sadly mine was smashed to pieces. I’ll still eat it tho. And we have a patch which is like a potion and an enamel pin which kind of looks like the potion being served up in a skull. Very cute. 

We have two decorations items – first up is a print of a super cute girl with her doll and a big pin to stick him with. And second is a black magic garland. This doesn’t fit my room at the moment but maybe I’ll find a place. 

This wee guy didn’t photograph well but we got 2 mini black skull candles in a cute mesh bag. I’m torn between burning these or keeping them looking cute. 

Finally we get two jewellery items – a handmade voodoo necklace which I love. It’s quite long but the green is super pretty. And lastly is kind of a charm bracelet with a Spooky Box Club bat charm and a crossed bones charm. This is cute but it’s very bare. It would be awesome if this continued on with charms in future boxes (lucky dip club did this very well!) but otherwise I’m not sure I’d wear it because it is kind of plain. 

So overall I do like this box. The wait sucked – the website quotes 4-6 weeks on one page and 8+ on another but I think there was a delay maybe. They were super quick to reply to my email query which was appreciated. The handmade aspect is unreal and makes it really special as you won’t really find things elsewhere. For the price – it’s worth it in my opinion. Everything is really well made and presented so nicely. 

Spooky Box Club retails for £21 plus p&p, so around £25 per month. The wait does suck but I think it’s worth it. I’m definitely more into this than I am a pile of licensed items for things I’m not in to. 

mail · review · subscription · unboxing

Nerd Block – HorrorBlock Subscription. 

I have a weird thing about watching unboxing videos on YouTube. For some reason, I really enjoy them. And very occasionally, I’m lured in to trying out a box for myself. The only monthly subscription I actually keep is the Lucky Dip Club box, but I ordered the Horror NerdBlock box as a one off. If you’re still waiting on yours – there’s spoilers ahead! 

So here’s an overview of the box. The box was quite large so I’m impressed with the goodies inside. My only dislike was the fact that, for customs reasons, the basic contents are listed on the outside. 

So what did we get? 

Tshirts are pretty standard fare in these boxes but I really like this one! They do female sizes which is great, but with this style I prefer a unisex size. I like this reasonably subtle nod to Halloween. 

I’m a sucker for stationary and currently super behind the times, as I’m only on season 3 of the Walking Dead. I’m far enough in that I can appreciate this notebook, which the description says is perfect for tracking your walker kills. Kinda wish it didn’t have Rick’s mug right in the front. The syringe pen is a kooky touch. 

Next up is what I believe to be a Horror Block standard – an authentic autographed photo. It comes with a certificate of authenticity and is of Doug Bradley in his Hellraiser role. 

I wasn’t sure what the ouija thing was at first but turns out it’s a money clip. Not sure I’ll ever use that so answers in the comments for an alternative use? I am a sucker for ouija and planchettes so while I appreciate this, I don’t have a use for a money clip. 

The second photo shows probably the least exciting items, but they’re still pretty awesome. There’s an issue of Rue Morgue magazine which I used to read on my iPad so it’s nice to actually have a hard copy. And a DVD of “demonic toys” which looks a wee bit terrifying! It was a straight to video release and has 5 stars on IMDB….we shall see! 

NerdBlock offer you the option to add an additional grab Block box for $9.99 plus shipping so as I had a discount code, I figured I would add this on and wasn’t spending much extra. 

The box is made up of items from previous boxes that they obviously have more of. 

I received 

  • a hockey mask pin which is awesome. 
  • A pop figure of some guy from The Strain, which I’m clueless about. 
  • A vinyl of songs from the Omen soundtrack – yes! 
  • A zombie hand oven glove which will be useful. 
  • An issue of the Penny Dreadful comic. 
  • And a tshirt! 

As I’ve said – I bought this with my own money. The main box was $19.99 plus shipping which is $12.95 which isn’t horrific as a one off or if you’re really committed to the box. For me, it’s too much. My issue is I end up with lots of things that I don’t love or things I don’t get. If you’re committed to horror then this is definitely the box for you! 

mail · subscription · unboxing

Lucky Dip Club Unboxing

I’m led to believe that I was one of the first people to subscribe to the Lucky Dip Club subscription boxes back when they first launched, which is something I’m quite proud of as I think this is a great wee venture that I’m happy to support. I’ve followed Leona and her work back since Lady Luck Rules OK and have a massive collection of goodies that I still regularly wear.

I don’t plan on “unboxing” this every month, but every so often seems like a good plan – especially with this one being October and thus Halloween themed! So let’s take a look…

As always, we open the box to find the latest edition of the “Girl Planet” magazine. Now, sometimes I’m into this, other times, not so much but I love the illustrations and ideas, especially this month’s cover which fits the girl, sorry, ghoul gang, ongoing theme.

I usually avoid this until I’ve looked inside as it does contain spoilers.

So here’s the overview of the box and it’s contents – super Halloweeny with it’s orange, purple and black colour scheme. I’ve already seen the word “witch” which definitely appeals to me!

I love the paper bags sealed with themed stickers that contain goodies and this one is no different. I’ve reused the bags for loads of different things and will most likely use this bright orange number for something. As for the contents – 3 “Ghouls just wanna have fun!” balloons in Halloween colours. Right…Ok…personally, these aren’t for me. If I was throwing a Halloween party then maybe they would but I don’t feel like I’ll get any use out of them. As much as I love having things I can make or use, I like something I can keep, like a simple craft, so while they’re cute, I’m not overly enthused by these.

Next up, we have a personalised witches hat cocktail stirrer and a “best witches” reusable cake decoration. This is more why I love this box – quirky wee things that you don’t get elsewhere.

I don’t think I’ll use these for the intended purpose – the cake decoration will probably go in one of my plants, like my cactus, which I think would look cute. I haven’t decided about the cocktail stirrer yet!

Last year, the boxes had a monthly charm – a silver charm which could be put on a necklace or bracelet and tied in with the boxes theme. This year, it’s pin badges. Now, I’m torn, because I love a pin badge and wear them on my bag or jacket, but I’ve lost 2 from previous boxes already so I have the fear of that happening and now don’t wear them! I’m sure I could come up with some sort of way to display but not wear (and therefore lose) my pretty pins!

This one is, if you know me at all, right up my alley!

The final things in the box are two little crafts – a paper doll witch and an owl “have fun” banner that you can cut out and make. I wish my room was bigger as I’d love a desk with wire frames to hang things from because this would be the perfect way to keep things like this. I will find somewhere to display this cutie tho!

So that’s all for this box. I’ve been feeling a wee bit “meh” about these boxes of late, but there’s always something that keeps me happy. Typically with these boxes, not everyone is going to love everything in every box, so it’s understandable to go through lows. This box was definitely with the subscription for me!

Let me know if you get this box and what you think!